Toronto 416-322-5622 | Montreal 514-744-0888 | Vancouver 604-451-7874

About Us

Our Story

You may know us as the “Unification Church”. We come from humble beginnings with big ideas. While our name has evolved over time from the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (1954) to Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (1994), our mission has stayed the same: to unify the world as one family with God as our Heavenly Parent.

Founded in 1994 by Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) is comprised of families from around the world striving to establish a world of peace and unity among all peoples, races, and religions, to embody the ideal of true love as taught in the Divine Principle, the core teachings of the Unification Movement.

FFWPU champions three ideals:

  • Family

  • Peace

  • Unification

With God as our Heavenly Parent, we all share the same equal and divine value. We seek to equip individuals with the knowledge needed to develop a personal relationship with God and with each other based on that premise.
As our parent, God longs for us to experience the full range of relationships in our lives. It is through the experience of love as children to our parents, as brothers and sisters, as husbands and wives, and as parents to our children that we inherit God’s heart as our own and are then able to embrace the world with God’s love and create one family under God.

By working together with affiliate organizations, partners in the professional world, and inter-religious organizations, we seek to collaborate and find practical ways to improve humanity’s relationship with the environment, each other, and improve our understanding of the cosmos, ultimately bringing about a world of peace and prosperity. Acting on God’s behalf with intentional acts of love, we can expand the culture of heart in the world.

“To Experience True Peace, We Must First Practice True Love Without Expectation Of Reward ”


Hak Ja Han Moon

Core Belief


Father and Mother Moon began their tradition of the Marriage Blessing in 1960 with their own wedding ceremony and have since passed on that Blessing to thousands of couples worldwide, encouraging them to include God, the heavenly parent, in their family relationships and to strive to live for the greater whole.

In response to the general breakdown of traditional marriage and family today, the Marriage Blessing is an opportunity for couples to begin or renew and recommit to their marriage relationship and become part of a community of Blessed Couples who strive to embody God’s love and create healthy relationships in their families and beyond.

The Three Main Teachings

Becoming A Person Of Integrity

Each one of us is meant to be born into a loving family, with the opportunity to grow our body and spirit to maturity. By experiencing love from each member of the family, we develop an understanding of universal principles and values. As our minds unite with the principles of God, we are naturally inclined to make responsible and healthy choices as adults. Even though individuals and families have been conflicted throughout history, as individuals we are still able to heal ourselves and become people of individual integrity, who can restore and build healthy and satisfying family relationships.

True And Lasting Love

Having developed a heart of unselfish love, it is easier for us to create true and lasting love in our relationships. We form families where God’s love flourishes and multiplies through the generations, providing a nourishing environment for each family member to reach their own unique potential. Our families become the building blocks to build one world without barriers.

Develop Goodness And Prosperity

Using our God-given natural creativity we take responsibility to care for the planet and develop living conditions that benefit all. With creative minds working together interdependently internationally, we could build the world of peace and prosperity that God and people have always wanted to see realized . The individual lives for the sake of the family, the family lives for the nation, and the nation lives for the world. This ensures the safety and prosperity of all.

“It is time to set new coordinates for our lives and to come out from behind the barriers of our own nation, our own religion, our own race and culture and make a decisive effort for peace. God has been longing to see the human family reunited”


Sun Myung Moon