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The Sunhak Peace Prize was established in order to help resolve worldwide suffering, conflict, poverty and threats to the environment, by promoting a comprehensive, future-oriented vision of peace.

Sustainable peace in the 21st century can only be accomplished by resolving the tensions and conflicts we find throughout the world, by developing a global culture of mutual respect and cooperation.  Based on the Founder’s vision of “One Family Under God,” the Sunhak Peace Prize encourages all people to dedicate themselves to achieving a peaceful world by resolving to exercise dialogue and cooperation, over conflict and competition.

The responsibility of the present generation toward future generations

“Future generations” refers not only to our own physical descendants, but also to  all future generations to come.  Since all the decisions taken by the current generation will either positively or negatively affect them, we must take responsibility for our actions.

Humankind is one universal family consisting of successive generations

The Sunhak Peace Prize sees humankind as a community of love connected by consecutive generations. Therefore, as parents care for their children with unconditional love, those living today should create an environment of peace for future generations. Until now, discussions concerning the ethics of peace have been confined to current problems. However, the concept of peace underlying the Sunhak Peace Prize is based on the reciprocity between current and future generations.